SO I heard about this last year and thought it might work for us. I think this year we are going to give it a go. I love the idea of sending the boys out back for a snack or herbs for dinner. I think this is a do-able idea and am excited about it. E saw on PBS how you can use pizza boxes to grow seeds and since we got some of those in the garage I thought what better time then now? I already have ideas for what I would like but I thought I would ask e is opinion on the matter. I told him that he can pick what he wants for his own area of the garden that he can plant, water, and cultivate. The thought of being a farmer to him thrilled his little mind! This is what he had to offer.
Carrots, because Junah likes them
Potatos, ONLY because that is where fries come from!
cucumbers, because they make pickles.
Corn because he loves corn. ( I don't see that one happening but we will see.)
He really wants an apple, pear, orange, and lemon tree. Looking into indoor varieties.
Blueberries, for him and the birds
So we will see what we can do. I really want to make this happen this year!